.Net Coding Standards.Net (Vb.Net,C#) Coding Standards
It is very easy to understood your code to another programmer if you write it in a managed manner and follow some standards.
following are the .Net coding standards (guidelines).
These are the legal
Regions to use in a class (in this order):
Local Variables
Event Handlers
NOTE: Region titles should be surrounded by one space on either side.
Every class member should be separated by a blank line.
Every comment should be preceded by a blank line. Comments should be on their own line and not included to the right of code,
except in the case of one or two word notes (e.g., noting a default value in place of initialization).
Comments should be complete sentences starting with a capitalized word and ending with a period. Grammar IS important.
Insert one space between the comment delimiter (') and the comment text.
All class members should include
summary XML comments.
All methods should additionally include
param XML comments for every parameter and should match the order that they
are listed in the method signature.
functions should additionally include
returns XML comments.
Properties should be documented with
summary and
value XML comments, but the
returns is redundant and
should not be used.
summary comments should begin with "Gets or sets" as appropriate to its permission modifier. (i.e., the
Public usability of Get and Set blocks)
''' Gets or sets the text associated with this control.
''' The text associated with this control.
Public Property Text() As String
''' Retrieves a value indicating whether the specified control is a
''' child of the control.
''' The System.Windows.Forms.Control to
''' evaluate.
''' true if the specified control is a child of the control;
''' otherwise, false.
Public Function Contains(ByVal ctl As System.Windows.Forms.Control) _
As Boolean
Avoid the use of implementation details in XML comments. Comments should not reference data types, other methods, etc.
Remarks XML comments are optional, but may be used to describe additional information. This may include implementation
Naming Conventions
Begin each separate word in a name with a capital letter (Pascal case), as in FindLastRecord and RedrawMyForm.
Begin function and method names with a verb, as in InitNameArray or CloseDialog.
Begin class, structure, module, and property names with a noun, as in EmployeeName or CarAccessory.
Begin interface names with the prefix "I", followed by a noun or a noun phrase, like IComponent, or with an adjective
describing the interface's behavior, like IPersistable. Do not use the underscore, and use abbreviations sparingly, because
abbreviations can cause confusion.
Begin event handler names with a noun describing the type of event followed by the "EventHandler" suffix, as in
In names of event argument classes, include the "EventArgs" suffix.
If an event has a concept of "before" or "after," use a prefix in present or past tense, as in "ControlAdd" or
For long or frequently used terms, use abbreviations to keep name lengths reasonable, for example, "HTML", instead of
"Hypertext Markup Language". In general, variable names greater than 32 characters are difficult to read on a monitor set to
a low resolution. Also, make sure your abbreviations are consistent throughout the entire application. Randomly switching in
a project between "HTML" and "Hypertext Markup Language" can lead to confusion.
Avoid using names in an inner scope that are the same as names in an outer scope. Errors can result if the wrong variable is
accessed. If a conflict occurs between a variable and the keyword of the same name, you must identify the keyword by
preceding it with the appropriate type library. For example, if you have a variable called Date, you can use the intrinsic
Date function only by calling System.DateTime.Date.
Private fields should be prefixed with 'm' to represent class member variables.
Const declarations should use Pascal case.
Enumerations should use Pascal case. The name should be singular unless you are using bitwise flags.
Use descriptive names for everything. Do not abbreviate unless it's a very common abbreviation (e.g. ID). Spelling IS
User Interface
Windows Forms
All usable controls should be checked for correct
TabStop and
Exception Handling
Only catch specific exceptions (i.e.
NullReferenceException, SQLException, etc.).
Exception to the above rule is using ADODB connections, which only throw base System.Exception types.
Only use a
Try...Catch when you can add something relevant to the exception being caught.
Close and dispose of local managed resources within the
Finally block.
Dim myFile As System.IO.FileStream = Nothing
myFile = New System.IO.FileStream("myFile.dat", IO.FileMode.Open)
' File processing code block here
Catch ex As System.IO.IOException
' Error handling code block here
If (myFile IsNot Nothing) Then
End If
End Try
The Using statement combines a Try...Catch statement with a call to the Dispose method and simplifies the code. If you are
using a Try...Catch statement and the only code in the Finally block is a call to the Dispose method, use the Using statement
Using myDlgFrm As New MyCustomDialogForm()
' Any setup code for myCustomDlgForm
If (myDlgFrm.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) Then
' Any code to handle values declared on the dialog
End If
End Using
Other .NET
Be strict in the use of access modifiers. Start with
private access and allow more access only as needed.
Option Explicit and
Option Strict should always be
Do not use
Dim to declare class fields.
Avoid the use of
protected fields. Use
protected properties instead.
One class per file (except for nested classes).
Do not use optional parameters.
Do not use single-line if statements.
Use Me. when referring to instanced members.
Use the
IsNot keyword in preference to
Not...Is Nothing.
AndAlso instead of
And and
OrElse instead of
Or when you perform comparisons.
Handles rather than
AddHandler (except for dynamically generated controls).
AddressOf, and do not instantiate the delegate explicitly.
Use My features in preference to the .NET Framework class library or the Visual Basic run-time library. For more information,
see Objects (Visual Basic).
Separate large/complex/frequently used code logic into separate functions and possibly separate classes. This will help with
code readability, maintainability, and reusability. This applies to UI components as well.
Explicitly release external resources (i.e. streams, connections, etc.) when you are finished with them.
String Data Type
String.Compare when comparing strings, but use
String.Length when checking for empty strings.
& to concatenate strings.
For appending strings in loops use the
StringBuilder object.