A Project Report In WPF (R-Office Management System)
Download DB Script 1
Download DB Script 2
This is a small office management system. With the help of this project all office employee can connect with each other, request online leave, get birthday reminders, get status of present/absent employees and use an automatic attendence system when logged in and logged out. Just need to install and setup of this project to every machine.
In this project there are 2 types of users one is Employee of a office and other is Admin. An Admin has full access for this project. I am showing every right of both types of user in the following DFD.

Image 1.
I made this project in Visual Studio 2010 and SqlServer2008. The database is located in the DATA folder of the Application. Just attach the data and change connection string in app.config.

Image 2.
When we run the application then first the Login window will appear

Image 3.
Here 2 types of user can login; one is Admin and the other is Employee. Here I login with
UserId – 4rahulsaxena@gmai.com
Password rahul
This is admin credential so it will redirect to Admin Home page after login. First I am going to show admin functionality then after that I will show normal employee functionality.
This is Admin Home window.

Image 4.
Add New Employee Window

Image 5.
Get All Employees

Image 6.
This is leave request page

Image 7.
Present Employee window

Image 8.
Employee Detail on Click of employee record

Image 9.
Absent Employees Window

Image 10.
Showing Upcoming Birthdays in current Month

Image 11.
Logout Window

Image 12.
Now I am going to show Employee functionality.

Image 13.
When a user has logged in as a Employee then this window will show

Image 14.
This is my Info window.

Image 15.
This is leave request window

Image 16.
This window will show all approved leave of a employee.

Image 17.
This window will show Employees denied leave.

Image 18.
Like in admin user can see all present and all absent employees.
Upcoming birthdays

Image 19.
Logout window

Image 20.
There can be functionality added to this project, but due to limited time I couldn't add that in this. So if any user thinks or wants to add extra functionality in this project then he/she can.

Data Base Structure Of Project
Table 1. Attendence

Table 2. Employee

Table 3. LeaveRequest